Title: "Film 6"
Start time: 5:45 PM EST February 21, 2004.
Creators: Adam Blumenberg, Ben Rutkowski, Sara Vogel, Aliza Simons, Conor Stratton, Abraham Halpert
1. Everyone directs a scene
2. No breaks longer than 20 minutes
3. Everyone involved must appear on screen
4. Coherent plot
5. Must be shot at Battery Park City, City Hall, Irish potato famine memorial, and "the gates." BROKEN.
6. Must make reference to Michael K and Conor S.
7. Violence must be justified.
8. Must work in words from The Marvelous New Lexicon
9. Must use Luminescent Orchestri music
10. Must have appropriate titles.
Screen Shots:
Summary: A reclusive brother and sister are afraid of the world outside their house.