Film 4

"Film 4"
Start time:
3:36 PM EST November 26, 2004
Creators: Adam Blumenberg, Conor Stratton, Jessie Hu, Zaro Bates, Sam Schrager
1. No breaks longer than 20 minutes.
2. Every person working must appear on screen (even Jessie).
3. The film must be written, shot and edited to completion in 24 hours. Time begins at 3:36 PM EST on November 26, 2004. Time expires at 3:36 PM EST on November 27, 2004.
4. The movie must contain substance.
5. No gratuitous action.
6. No plots intentionally similar to existing popular movies.
7. All music must be originally composed.
8. Must have dialogue.
9. Title must be timecode, "Film 4" and a random quote. Cool.
10. Movie must not be set in New York City, but must be shot it New York City.
Screen Shots:


Summary: A group of various citizens are thrown in prison for crimes relating to contraband pigments.

Mark: PASS